
How to Brighten Up Your Space Without Redesigning It

Breakfast nook


It’s summertime and you probably want your home to reflect those fun summer vibes. We can bet that redecorating is out of the question due to time and budget restrictions. So how can you quickly and easily add a pop of color and a summer feel to a space? With easy to install, easy to take down wall decorations!

1. Custom Garlands

Custom garlands are a simple and cost effective way to make your area look cheerful in a jiffy! It’s perfect for above a breakfast nook, along a fireplace mantle, or even your office desk space. The beauty of custom garlands is that you can design it to fit the existing space perfectly while adding a little something extra. Light weight and easy to put up and take down, they can be hung with tape for a super temporary decoration or nails for a more permanent look.

Customize a garland with The Path Less TraveledHand-making garlands in Indiana>>

2. Wall Letters

Putting a big word on your wall is a quick attention grabber. Whether you want to write something related to the space like “DINNER TIME” in the kitchen, or simply your family name to brighten up a living room like “JONES,” block letters can add color and meaning to a room.

Create Custom Letters >>

3. Plants, Plants, Plants!

Spring and Summertime means more light and that means more plants! A little greenery will always make your  house look right in step with the season. Succulents are popular right now because they don’t require a lot of watering. Of course, if you’re worried about the maintenance or low light, you can always cheat and get fake plants. Just make sure you have super cute pots and holders!

See Plants and Plant Holders >>

Love Pots>>

Do you know of any other quick ways to brighten up a room? Leave your ideas in the comments!